Ball-gagged and bound to spanking bench, stripped naked and bare arse belted red. Tied spread-eagled and flogged. Wanked off only to have his orgasm ruined by nasty gutt-punching right at the final moment.
Muscular rugby stud Daniel is rope tied to a spanking bench. Dave stuffs a ball-gag into his stupid gob and fastens it tightly to muffle his screams. Dave gives Daniel an atomic wedgie with his underarmour to display his massive hairy globes.
The lad is belted into the middle of next week, trying to avoid the blows by thrashing around. Drool splutters out of his crying mouth. His bare buttocks are glowing a bright shade of red but we haven't finished humiliating the hetero. Totally nude he is spread-eagled with ropes attached to the walls and flogged mercilessly.
His big hetero donkey dick flaps about attractively so Adrian grabs hold of it and rubs it furiously to beat an orgasm out of the reluctant sportsman. What? Are we being nice to straights now? Just at the moment of orgasm Dave blasts back in just as the hairy lad is busting a nut, ruining his orgasm cruelly. With more torment for his post-coital penis, the straight is left in no uncertainty who is now in charge.