Arms restrained, humiliated while made to strip himself, flogged, insistently groped, arsehole fingered, taught to suck cock, butt plug, given his first enema and made to shoot it out.
Cocky straight cunt Billy is the son of a Russian oligarch. Raised in a life of wealth and privilege, one thing he has been taught is a healthy respect for authority. Threatened with being cut off from daddy's money this horny young prince will do anything teacher says. He's totally baffled by the strange restraints placed on him which restrict his arms and legs but Billy realizes soon enough that teacher is taking advantage when the pervert gropes him and aggressively fondles his genitals.
Teacher belittles and shames the proud hetero making him awkwardly strip while being bound. Verbally expressing his disgust Billy's face is pushed into the man's crotch and he's ordered to lap at the outline of the hard cock is teacher's trousers. His face is twisted in disgust as he inhales the musky aroma of a man's crotch. Bent over his tender arsehole is revealed with his arse cheeks being yanked open. Teacher violently plunges his finger up his hole while Billy pleads for him to stop.
Billy is alarmed and terrified when he's pushed on the floor and feels his arse being filled with water. It's held in place with a butt plug teacher shoves up his arse. Fully naked and kneeling on the gritty school floor he's given a lesson in how to arouse a man by sucking him till he's good and hard. Only when teacher is satisfied is the plug released and Billy is ordered to shoot the water out of his hole. Thoroughly humiliated he lays crumpled on the floor staring up at his tormenter having never felt this lowly in his life.

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